
peas, please

henry has been in this phase where all he wants to eat is cereal. i indulge him in it quite often (with the belief that it really is just a phase) and its not requested everyday for every meal, so what the heck? he is a good eater most of the time and tends to eat almost anything. i would not call him a picky eater. he isn't a big meat eater, but he loves tempeh and at one point that was his favorite food. so, while i indulge him with his cereal, he's indulging me with his new favorite snack.

frozen peas. he will eat as many as i put in the bowl. if i ask for one sometimes he will share and sometimes he will fake me out and eat it himself and then declare "D -nied" with a big smile on his face. this snack came about by accident of course when making dinner one night and it took me by surprise. who knew frozen peas were so tasty?
and who can deny the sweetness of the words 'peas, please'?


  1. That's adorable. I myself am a sucker for frozen corn-- Sooooo good!

  2. we went through a frozen pea stage too - i almost forgot about that!

  3. i am trying this with my boys tomorrow. who knew?

  4. Cereal is the one meal that Gus will always eat! I think it's because I ate a shit-ton while I was preggers. Dinner is still hit or miss with us. Either he eats or doesn't for the evening. That's been going on since he was 18 mos. Maybe I'll try the peas. I know he doesn't like wasabi peas. Not sure why I thought he would...

  5. never heard of anyone eating frozen peas...
    so funny!


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