I've been busy doing a little spring cleaning and reorganizing a bit. I guess maybe I am starting my nesting phase. I remember that with Henry. I tried to donate half of the things in our house, I felt so cluttered. Now I have that doubled with all of Henry's toys and 'things'. Fortunately, I have been good at weeding out the things he has no interest in as he grows. We also have two televisions in the house (one of which was my mother's day gift last year) and I have been trying to convince Matt that one (the older, larger one) needs to go. I am getting quite a bit of resistance on that. We also have a few appliances (leftover from the kitchen remodel) sitting in the garage that need to go. I've been trying to clean up the garage so I can get a decent picture of them to put on craigslist, but that's been in the works for months now, so we'll see. Hopefully by the end of summer!
I have been a bit crafty too. I've been doing a few rows here and there on the Peanut's blanket. I also started to knit a market bag (ravelry link) just to do a quick project and because the markets have opened here. I also have cut the pattern to the wide leg lounge pant from Amy Butler's In Stitches. I hope that they'll still be wearable after the bulge really expands (that is if they are wearable to begin with). I haven't attempted to sew pants since my home ec class in junior high and I haven't sewn anything since December. Fortunately, the pattern has been easy for me to understand, because I do not do well with patterns at all.
The weather here has been so nice so we've been outside most days too. I think I've unleashed a beast in this boy.
Over the weekend we let him paint in the driveway and then filled up the wading pool. He immediately undressed and has pretty much been naked ever since. Let the good times roll!
I'm wearing my Wide Leg pants right now. I made them for the hospital stay. First off, I love them. Much nicer than standard pj pants. One thing I'll warn you about is the "Tripping Factor". Because they're so wide, my feet sometimes get caught in the bottoms. Maybe I'm just really clumsy, but I've almost fell a couple times while holding the baby. You'd think that'd make me stop wearing them. Nope.