I did it. I finally got to the heel. After one hour (which is not real knitting time) at knit night I did it. I feel so much better now. I feel there has been progress. I really enjoy working the heel, I think because I am so new at it. The only other heel I've done was on Ben's Christmas stocking. When I read the patterns for the heels they make no sense to me and I always feel like I am doing it wrong. I have learned to just go with it, do as the pattern says, and I am always amazed that it works out. It blows my mind to think of the first person to have figured this heel thing out. Oh, the trial and error!
I am wondering if I am just not a sock knitter. Right now, the idea of basically repeating what I am about to finish is a little daunting. The pattern is easy enough and enjoyable. I think my sock looks good. The problem is I am ready to move on. I have so many projects I would like to start and so many yarns I want to use. I think part of the issue is that I have a gift card to my LYS and it is starting to burn a hole in my pocket (although I am having trouble deciding what to spend it on). My solution may be to knit a small, fairly quick (ha! me, quick?)) project in between socks. I know the second sock will get completed because I really want my socks! I love the idea of having handmade (esp. by me) socks.
One reason I wanted to do socks was because I wanted a small project to work on. Something that could be carried with me. I heard people saying how great they are to knit because you can work on them anywhere. Yeah, if you don't have a one and a half year old. I can barely work on them at home if he's awake! I think the portability of socks will be more enjoyable and realistic for me when H. gets a bit older. I can see me pulling out a sock to knit at the park in a few more years, when he has friends to play with and doesn't want me to play with him, but for now it's not gonna happen. For the time being I will just have to be a night knitter, which is fine with me, but I do look forward to the day that he and I could possibly knit together.
Crossing my fingers, hope to have a Sock-it-to-me Sunday!
Hey! How goes the sock?