snowman forest. i have weak spot for snowmen. maybe it's the lack of snow here. EVERYWHERE seems to have snow but here!
coffee. knitting. warm electric blanket. christmas lights. cuddly boy next to me. underdog cartoons. napping dog & napping bea.
chef bea. especially in the oversized hat. busy hands and a busy mind. she loves hats even if she can barely see.
someone to share the electric blanket with. first thing in the morning that is where you can find him. he likes to be warm.
and he likes old cartoons. today it was underdog, other days it's 1940's superman and popeye cartoons. i like them too.
being able to whip up a fresh batch of laundry soap to help me tackle all the laundry i've let pile up this week. i aim for this to be my only housekeeping chore all weekend.
Sweet post, Jessica : ) I'd be happy to snuggle up with H, too. We're freezing here right now and that looks NICE. And darn he's cute. And I know Bea is, somewhere under that hat!