she asked that you leave a comment telling her where you would travel to that instant if you could just up and go. well, italy has been a hot topic around here (no, we are not off to italy). it's a dream of ours to get there and spend a substantial amount of time there and we've been discussing as of late how exactly to pull that off. so, in the meantime, we are going to be heading to colorado in a couple weeks. matt and i, the kiddos, and every piece of sculpture cooped up in this house. ROAD TRIP! we are nervous (hope the kids and the car travel well), excited (to see several old friends that we don't see often enough and meet their families), and hopeful (big whammy, big whammy!) that matt sells many pieces and makes some new clients.
anyway, back to that giveaway. while i was entering the giveaway, henry walked by the computer and saw the picture of the pillow and stated he wanted "that". sweet maya addressed it to him, so henry could barely contain himself when he found out that the box that 'the lady' (the mail lady) brought was for him!
*this seems like a good place to interrupt and mention that we have the most awesome mail lady ever according to henry because everything she delivers he thinks is from her. netflix movies? 'the lady' got them for him. box with handmade pillow? ditto. and so it goes. sometimes we try to explain, sometimes we don't.*
the pillow has been well received and already much loved. i thought for a moment that henry's frog, who he has a history with, was going to be pushed to the side but i was thankfully mistaken. i was informed though that frog and mr. owl are best friends. and the pillow and mr. owl get toted around the house often. he hasn't slept on the pillow and honestly i don't know if he will. this boy is particular about his pillows. the pillow he has now is a travel pillow and when he moved up to the 'big' bed we tried giving him a regular pillow. he kept it in his bed but didn't use it. i put (non-matching) pillowcases on the 2 pillows and the boy wasn't having it. i thought it was because they didn't match or something because he would rip the cases of to show me that the pillows matched each other without them. so, i attempted to sew matching cases. still wasn't having it.
so, part of the beauty of maya's pillow is that there is no need for a pillowcase, yet it is still pretty to look at! and the non-matching isn't an issue. for now, he sleeps on his old faithful with his new pillow next to him and mr. owl tucked snugly into the pocket.
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