
feels like . . .

under the weather
feels like i have cotton balls stuffed around my skull and i swallowed sand. it hurts to lift my head.
thankful for hand made quilts, portable dvd players, sleepytime snugglies, good recipes to share later (when i can think enough to link to them), a husband who came home from work early and took the kiddos to the store.
hope to catch up on what you are up to very soon.


  1. Anonymous2/20/2009

    oh that just stinks.... I was that way a couple of week ago... when I bent over I just thought that my head was going to just pop off!!!! hope you feel better soon...

  2. Hope you get well soon!

  3. lucy, that is a fairly accurate description of how i feel too. i am starting to feel better though.
    thank you simone!

  4. Anonymous2/24/2009

    oh no! Hope you are feeling better now.


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