
Life to the Fullest

We had such a busy, full day Friday. First we had a relaxed, slow morning (we had it coming to us). Then we had a trip to the doctor to check on the little peanut (all is well). Next it was home for a light lunch because the boy had been snacking all morning long. After nap the real fun and adventure began.
It started with a small snack, what else, and for me, occasionally that is an adventure. Then on to some watercolor painting and yes, tasting.

Now it was time for some much needed fresh air and that is where the caterpillar hunt began. It all started with the signal for potty. I took him behind the trash can on the side of our house and let loose with the pants and diaper. Of course he wouldn't/couldn't go. If he had he may have drowned caterpillar #1. We put that one in the bug box with some sticks and leaves and watched him for a bit. After a while we put it back where we found it and started to draw with chalk. No kidding, this boy turns around and one after the other spots 3 more caterpillars all around the garage doors! Two of them were at least 8 feet high. Amazing what children really observe. He was on a mission. I am so glad to have been on it with him.

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