Here are the pictures of most recent FO (stocking) & most recent favorite project (Weasley sweater). I am using Berroco's Ultra Alpaca for the sweater and am loving it. Very soft & I don't think it will be too warm for down here. My fingers are crossed that H. will be able to fit his head through the hole. The sweater has been a great first sweater to knit so far. The pattern is simple and extremely easy to understand. Thank you, Alison Hansel. I go to my LYS knit night this evening, so I am hoping to make progress on the sleeves. Wish me luck!
Home again, home again....
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was wonderful, it was nice to see the family & Marcellus was a bonus.
The Ben stocking was received with great joy yay!)!I think I did well for my first sock/stocking. Progress on the Weasley sweater is slow but going. I will post pictures tomorrow. Hope everyone has returned home safely and is recuperating.
H. and his first Hot Wheels
I know this may seem silly, but to me it was kind of a big deal that H. got his first Hot Wheels car. I know they don't cost much more than a buck, but it's such a boy moment. I love that he makes car noises and drives over Mason's back when she is sleeping. I love finding his car in the odd places he leaves it (or abandons it). I love that he gave me back the decked out, muscled-up sports car as I was handing him the 50's something looking taxi without a second thought.
I have been trucking away on Ben's stocking, which I was really enjoying at first. Then it was frogged not once, but twice.
I have finished the pattern and will begin the heel this evening. Have I mentioned that instead of Ben it reads "Den". Thank goodness, for duplicate stitch. I have some other issues with this stocking. The pattern is a bit odd. I have made some slight
modifications, but seeing as how I have:
a) never knit a sock or stocking, b) never modified a pattern, or c) never given a knitted gift other than a scarf or hat- I am nervous about the reception this will receive. Ben will have this for the rest of his life. Hopefully it will hold up.
In other knitting news, the Weasley sweater is coming along wonderfully. Maybe some of my knitting anxiety is coming from the fact that I am taking on 3 different projects, all of them completely new to me. I just have to accept that the time has come for me to grow as a knitter and endure my shortcomings.
yarn resting on bronze ass-now that i'm off mine
Right now I am a nervous nellie. I have never blogged before
and in all honesty I have been reading others blogs for only
about 2 months. So I expect lots of changes as I get the hang
of this.
I was compelled to begin blogging by all of my fellow knitters
out there. What a great community we are! I was blown away
by how many knitters are actually out there & I couldn't resist joining
the crowd.
So, this is my arrival and forgive me for my blunders. I will
soon get the hang of this and hopefully make it interesting
in the meantime. If not, hopefully my family will enjoy this!
As for knitting, I have recently come off a knitting
hiatus. Cause is unknown but is sure to never happen again.
So I am going full throttle (well, trying to) and have since
finished Henry's baby blanket now that he is one (which Jenny
and Nicole mention on episode 31!)(the blanket, not H. being
one; started Ben's stocking, gone to SAFF, and will soon be casting on my first
sweater and first sock(s).